Basic pay for new Singaporean Bus Captains crosses $2,000 mark for the first time.
Tower Transit Singapore has announced a 3.7% annual wage increment which will benefit over 800 staff including Bus Captains and vehicle technicians.
With this increment, basic pay for new Bus Captains who are Singaporean citizens or permanent residents will cross the $2,000 mark for the first time. They will now be paid $2,002 by Tower Transit Singapore, up from $1,930.
“Bus Captains’ wages have come a long way since 2015 when we entered the Singapore market. This increment is yet another milestone for us and the National Transport Workers’ Union as it brings wages for new Singaporean Bus Captains past the $2,000 mark for the first time. It also ensures our staff’s wages keep pace with that of other Singaporeans,” said Andrew Bujtor, MD, Tower Transit Singapore.
The latest increment is higher than the 3.5% announced by the company two weeks before it began operations on 29 May 2016. It will be applied retroactively from 1 May 2017.
Tower Transit Singapore made the announcement to staff on Friday, 7 July, after successful negotiations with the National Transport Workers’ Union. Its annual wage increment is based on an index of overall wages in Singapore and takes guidance from the National Wages Council’s guidelines.